Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My First Meal Plan Monday

Here is my meal plan for the week.  I found this template at The Project Girl and I love it.  The best part about it is the space at the bottom where I can post all the ingredients so I can make my shopping list for the week based on what I do and don't have in the house.  
Now I know this seems like an extremely basic week but I have a few excuses reasons for that.  First of all as you can see I'm leaving for Las Vegas Thursday night so I don't want to buy any groceries which will go bad if they aren't used.  Second of all I have school all day Tuesday and Thursday and need quick easy food.  Third of all I don't have time to go shopping since I'm planning tonight instead of on a Sunday.  Overall I'm ok with it but hopefully as the weeks go on my menus will improve.

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