Friday, October 19, 2012

What's my Motivation?

I can't lie...I'm stuck in a bit of a rut.
So today, I'm going to make a list of all the things that inspire me, and hopefully some of them can inspire you too.
  • - This site is an amazing community of artists and crafters who post their craft projects and often tutorials for everyone to see.
  •  Champagne Lifestyles on a Beer Budget is a great blog by a girl around my age living the fabulous life but on a budget.  Lots of DIY and decor.
  • Dance...all kinds.  Taking a class, seeing a ballet, watching the little girls on dance moms, it totally and completely inspires my creative side
  • The show Flea Market Flip on HGTV.  It takes two teams of two to a flea market and gives them a budget and three tasks.  They buy items at the flea market and then crafts them to fit the tasks they were given and then sell them at the flea market.  They are seriously creative and come out with awesome items to sell.
  • My bedroom

As I said, I'm struggling to find inspiration right now...what inspires you?

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