My dad is an avid cigar smoker and collector which is great news for me because the boxes cigars come in are absolutely beautiful and my fabulous daddy saves them all for me. The problem is I have NO idea what to do with them.
I've been searching the web for ideas and picking my friends brains and I just can't seem to settle on an idea. I've made one into a jewelry box:

But that really doesn't seem like the direction I want to go. My newest inspiration is this fab altoid tin:
Pa-leeeease tell me you've seen White Oleander. Janet Fitch is one of my favorite authors and in the movie you can see Astrid's suitcases she crafts about her life in her foster homes. Its kind of the same idea as the altoid box but on a more personal level. I love crafting just for me anyways (altered books). Maybe that can strike a creative match with you. Just google White Oleander suitcases or watch the movie better yet! And read the book! Ok im done. Haha love the blog! PMA! Oh its Cassie P.S.